We are always on the look out for talented administrators looking to enter into the criminal justice environment. We have a wide variety of tasks that need to be supported by someone who is capable of thinking on their feet and carving out a strong role for themselves. After up to a period of 6 months part time volunteering with us we always like to look into the possibility of offering a position to our volunteers and this is something that can always be in the pipeline.
We work with software such as google docs, pipefy, Emails a prisoner and others and in this respect experience of any of these software will be a bonus, but not essential as we also offer on the job training. Lived or close experience of the criminal justice system is a plus, as well as addiction, counselling, support work, social work and mentorship.
Specific tasks for an administrator with NC could include, corresponding with solicitors, corresponding with clients either on the phone or through EMAP, booking prison visits for our consultants, diary management, research for post release services, database management and updating information, processing of new clients.
Preferred Qualifications (Desired Skills/Experience):
Experience in an administrative role for 3 or more years
Strong problem-solving skills.
Computer literate
To have a forward thinking mind-set and self-motivation
Effective communication skills
Attention to detail and high focus on quality outputs
To be inclusive and enthusiastic
To be non-judgemental and positive
If you feel that this position (or any other) is of interest, or you feel you have relevant skills that could be an asset to us, please feel free to contact christina@newconnections.org.uk